Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Disney Legacy - 1.3 Growing Up Disney

Hello and welcome back to the Disney Legacy. Last time Fantasia and Travis got married and had their first child, a little girl they named Marian. Here is Marian all grown up. She is Self-Assured and wants to be an Artistic Prodigy, inspired by her mom no doubt. 

I think she's really cute. I also think she has Fantasia's pink hair, but kids can't have unnatural hair colors apparently so maybe when she turns teen her hair will change color. Oh, she also got her dad's brown eyes so there's definitely some Travis in there too. 

Marian never goes anywhere without a smile on her face. Seriously, she is the happiest child sim I've ever seen. She's never sad, and she loves working on her drawings. 

Aww, a family photo. It would be better if Fantasia would bother to get dressed though. Holy bosoms, Batman! XD

Well, at least Travis enjoys the view. 

Fantasia and Travis (mostly Travis) wanted to have more than one child, and it didn't take very long for them to conceive. Seriously, they are very fertile. XD Pregnancy went by in a blur, because it's boring, and soon Fantasia was giving birth again. 

It's a boy! Meet Robin Disney. He is of course named after the titular character in Disney's Robin Hood

Marian decided to head to the park and make some friends. She especially admired this girl's pretty flower-patterned pants. Her name is Melina, which is also very pretty. Potential future spouse for baby Robin, perhaps? 

Goth alert! Marian immediately goes to make the acquaintance of Alexander Goth, because Goth genetics are usually really good. I wouldn't mind marrying in Alex here. 

Marian: "Hey, you, pay attention to me! I'm in a legacy!"

Alexander: "Sucks to be you then." 

It seems to take forever for sims in this game to progress up the career ladder, but Fantasia is doing her best.

Fantasia: "Wish I was an astronaut like Nina. I bet they make the big bucks!"

Aww, some family bonding time. I know adult sims in this game apparently can't actually help their kids with homework, but I'm pretty sure Travis is doing it anyway. 

Look who grew up! Robin is blond like his dad, but he inherited his mom's green eyes, yay! Robin became Creative, also like his mom, and he wants to be a Whiz Kid. 

Robin joins his big sister at the park to play and meet friends. 

He meets Melina, and he likes her right away. They love playing together on the spaceship. And yep little Alexander Goth is still hanging around. He secretly wants to join this legacy, I just know it.

Alex: "No, I don't! *walks faster*"

Oh yeah, Alex, then why are you still hanging around my legacy sims, huh?

Alex: "Uhh, um, well, Marian is actually kinda pretty, I guess, and um, I have to go now!"

Fantasia doesn't mind reading to her son for his Whiz Kid aspiration. It gives her a break from her constant painting. 

Uh oh, what's wrong now?

Fantasia: *lip quivers*

Robin: *lip quivers*

Come on guys, you're not even sad right now! What's the deal?

Robin: "It's these fruit loops. They make me sad. :("

Fantasia: "This grilled cheese is super depressing."

Okay then. 

Melina grew up! She is older than Robin, but it doesn't bother me if she ends up becoming a future legacy spouse. She's still very pretty.

Robin: "Melina, will you marry me when I grow up?"

Melina: "You are super adorable, kid."

Robin already knows his way around the ladies!

He also makes time to hang out with his sis too. They are super close. 

Robin is a very popular kid. He made another friend in Silas here. Silas is super pale. I didn't realize how tan Robin was until this picture. Haha. I'm still kinda sad that neither Robin or Marian got their mom's darker skintone though. :( 

These two autonomously flirt and hang all over each other if I let them. It's adorable. I love them. <3

Travis: "Hey babe, you want to make another baby?"

Stop it, Travis! Seriously, all he ever wishes for is to try for baby with Fantasia. O_o You're not a family sim, Travis, what is your deal? 

Fantasia: "Travis..."

Dammit, Travis, look what you did! We only wanted two kids this generation. >_< Oh well, at least the Disney's are finally starting to bring in some more money. Slowly their house's furniture is getting upgraded, and the size of the house is increasing with every promotion. 

Marian: "Hey Silas, guess what? I'm gonna be a big sis again. I hope it's a girl. I want a baby sister!"

Silas: "That's cool, Marian. I'm jealous. I wish I had a big family!"

Robin: *autonomously does extra credit work* Robin is such a little nerd, I love him. <3 Whiz Kid definitely fits him! 

"Aw crap, Fantasia's in labor! What do I do??"

Fantasia and I are still mad at you, Travis. This is all your fault anyway!

"I can't help it! I love Fantasia so much. I want to have all the babies with her!"

Awww, that's actually sweet...and also scary. I am getting you two fixed after this. No more trying for baby!

Fantasia: "Errggghh, why did I ever let Travis talk me into this?" 

Fantasia: "Oh yeah, that's why. :) She's adorable!"

Meet Tagalong Disney, Tag for short. Tagalong is the younger sister of Sis, Skippy, and lots of other rabbits in Robin Hood. Thus, she's always tagging along with her older siblings. This Tag will probably do the same with Marian and Robin. :) 

And that's it for now! Come back next time to see Marian and Robin become teenagers and little Tag become a child. Also, will Travis try to sneakily try for baby with Fantasia again? Will Fantasia and Travis earn enough money to add onto their house? Next time! :D

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on all the kids! I've always liked large families in the Sims.
