Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Disney Legacy - 2.1 Good vs. Evil

Welcome back to the Disney Legacy, where we just had an heir poll, and someone is not happy about the results!

Robin: "Only one person voted for me. :("

Aww, it's okay, Robin, I still love you! 

Travis: "You don't want to be heir anyway, son. Trust me on this." 

It's someone's birthday! What do you wish for, Marian?

Marian: "I wish that I do a good job as legacy heiress."

Yep, Marian is the winner with 5 total votes, although it was pretty close. Her sister Tag got 3 votes, and Robin got 1 like he said. 

Marian: "OMP, I'm gonna be an adult!"

Celebratory selfie with her young adult boyfriend Alexander Goth. :)

Marian gained the Goofball trait, and I must say it suits her. She is smiling all the time, after all. 

Speaking of Alex...there may be trouble in paradise.

Alex: "Why did you have to go and become heiress, Mari? That means I have to join a stupid legacy challenge! I'm not happy!"

Dina: "Awkward..."

Marian: "OMP, Alex, I'm sorry. It's going to be all right, I swear."

Nina: "Legacy families are so weird. Glad the founder was a female this time."

Alex: "Well, maybe this will all work out. I do love you, Mari. But...but there is something I have to tell you...I grew up Evil."


Marian: "OMP, Evil! But I'm Good, Alex!"

Alex: "I know, babe, and I still love you."

Marian: "Don't worry, Alex, I will show the ways of Good. You don't have to end up becoming a villain."

These two are too cute, I swear to plumbob. I'm officially going to be calling them Marilex by the way. :D 

Alex, you just had to be Evil didn't you?? You wanted to be a Disney villain instead of a Disney hero? Pft! Well, it just adds a little more drama to his relationship with Mari, but I think he really does love her, in his own Evil, Jealous way. Oh yeah, he is Jealous too. And a Bookworm. And his aspiration is to become a Bodybuilder. 

Alex: "OMP, I can't believe I'm actually here...in a legacy house...with legacy portraits on the walls!"

Just hit the punching bag, Alex, it will make you feel better. And get a job in the Athletic career, please. 

Alex: "Mwahahaha! Disney villains are way better than heroes! Remember that one time when Scar killed Mufasa? I LOVED that part."

GASP. You take that back right now, Alexander Goth-Disney! 

Alex: "NOPE. Evil, remember? Mwahaha!" 

:( Let's just hope that Mari can tame Alex's evil ways! 

Speaking of which...oh my. Can you feel the love tonight? 

I'll stop, I swear. 

Alex: "Will you be my wife for now and all eternity?"

Marian: "Of course, Alex! I'll even dislocate my wrist for you in my extreme happiness." 

MARILEX. They are so cute, gah! 

WTF, Nina? It's 3 am, and you're cleaning our tub? I mean...I'm not complaining exactly, but don't you have better things to do?

Nina: "Nope."

Okay then. I think someone is secretly jealous that she is not in this legacy...

It's time for Marian's first day on the job as a medical assistant! Aww, doesn't she look adorable in her scrubs? 

And this is the doctor, her supervisor. I forget his name. He's pretty hunky though.

Marian's first patient of the day is a little kid named Derek. She ran lots of tests, but in the end the doctor made the diagnosis of Llamacorn Flu. Marian gave Derek an injection and sent him on his way. 

Next up is Silas Hurley, Tag's boyfriend. He is diagnosed with Bloaty Head, and Marian successfully treats him. :) Look at his ducky hospital gown. XD 

Meanwhile, Tag starts working on her aspiration of becoming the Chief of Mischief by being mean to members of the community, including Marian's boss, Dr. O'Neil.

Tag: "Look at all these victi--I mean people! Everybody form a nice, orderly queue. I promise I'll get around to pranking each one of you today if you just take turns." 

Tag: "You're a big, stupid dummy, Dr. O'Neil! My sister Mari should be the doctor, not you! You're as dumb as a box of rocks! Now get outta here!"

Dr O'Neil: "Someone's not getting a promotion today, Miss Disney, and it will be all your fault!"

Oh dear. I love how Fantasia couldn't be more oblivious to her daughter's penchant for mischief. 

Fantasia: "What are you talking about? All my children are perfect, of course. They're Disneys!" 

This picture is only here to show you how buff Alex is. He's a pretty droolworthy sim, and he knows it too. 

Alex: "You just wanted me in this legacy for the eye candy. Admit it."


Robin works toward his aspiration too, but I really suck at collecting.

This is all he's managed to collect so far, plus a few frogs and fossils. If Robin had been chosen heir, I'dve probably pulled my hair out in frustration. Collecting stuff is not my idea of fun! Ah well, at least the MySims statues are kinda cute. 

Cute family photo time. Ever since Fantasia completed her aspiration, she gets to enjoy a lot of time on free will, and one of her favorite things to do is play with the kids' old toys. Adorable. 

Robin: "We don't live in a normal family, do we?"

Tag: "Just roll with it, bro." 

Well, someone is pleased with himself. 

Alex: "We did...you know..."

I do?

Alex: "IT."

Oh, I see. Do you want a gold star? lol 

Yay, another Disney has been memorialized. :)

Sometimes the Sims is just too true to life. Poor Marian is exhausted at work, and a cup of coffee is the only thing that can get her through her day. 

Things don't get any better when she gets back from work either. Poor dear has the 'Failed to Conceive' moodlet. :( I'm so sorry, Mari, but don't worry, there will be nooboos in your future. 

Marian: "I just don't understand. Mom never had this problem. Is there something wrong with me?"

No, don't even say that. This is just a temporary setback. You have a wedding to look forward to, and you will definitely get your nooboo next time, I promise!

And on that sad note, here endeth the chapter. Tune in next time to find out if Marilex can ever conceive, Marilex's wedding, and what the future holds in store for our spares, Robin and Tagalong. 


  1. Love that Marian is good and Alex is evil, but they still want to be together.

    There's a 'failed to conceive' moodlet in Sims 4? I'm surprised that detail is included, and it is neat, but still a little depressing. But surely they'll get their nooboo before long.

  2. That last part of the collecting aspiration is the killer, where you have to complete a collection. But hopefully you can get there. Aspirations are so random in this game, the bookworm Alex wants to be a body builder??
